These sporting rules (hereinafter the Rules) apply to all participants in the Event. They are a summary of the General Regulations mentioned above, to which all members are required to refer.
L'ETAPE PARMA by Tour de France is a mass, amateur and competitive cycling event.
It is possible to register to participate in one of the two routes which will take place on 4th May 2025 with departure and arrival in Parma. An individual can only sign up for one distance. The organizer reserves the right to change the route.
The choice between the long and short routes can also be made on the day of the granfondo. The registration is valid for both distances.
Distance: 150.4 km
Elevation: 3.167 m
Distance: 77.8 km
Elevation: 1.199 m
The L'ETAPE PARMA by Tour de France 2025 consists in 2 different routes (The Race, on a long route, and Gourmet, on a short route). Each competitor has the right to choose the route most suited to him and this choice can be made during the race at his own discretion.
The L'ETAPE PARMA by Tour de France is open to all ACSI members. From 17 years of age (calendar year) they can participate in the short route; from 19 years of age (calendar year) they can participate in the long route.
There are no limits to participation in the M8 category as long as you have a “sport card” or a sport medical certificate of suitability for competitive cycling in order to have the daily card.
The Gran Fondo L'ETAPE PARMA by Tour de France is also open to all members of sports promotion institution who have signed the agreement with the F.C.I. for the year 2025, in possession of sports medical suitability for competitive cycling.
All members must present the sport competitive medical certificate for cycling (no other information/title is permitted).
The Gran Fondo L'ETAPE PARMA by Tour de France is also open to all foreign cyclists in possession of the UCI license valid for the year 2024, issued by their National Cycling Federation, which must be presented together with a sport medical certificate of suitability for competitive cycling (in English).
The event is also open to all Italian and foreign non-members: for whom, the ACSI daily card will be activated at a cost of €10.00 for 'third party civil liability' insurance coverage during the event. In order to issue the daily pass, it is mandatory to present the sport medical certificate of suitability for competitive cycling (former Ministerial Decree 18/2/82).
The event is by invitation and the organizing committee may - at any time and at its incontestable discretion - decide whether or not to accept registration or exclude a member from the event if it could cause damage to its image.
Medical certificate
Participation is dependent on the regular possession of the following requirement:
- for athletes registered with the FCI or a sports promotion institution: medical certificate of suitability for competitive cycling (certificates for other types of sports - such as triathlon, duathlon, athletics, etc. - are not valid);
- for people with Italian residence but not members of the FCI or sports promotion institution: medical certificate of suitability for competitive cycling (former Ministerial Decree 02/18/82)
- for people with foreign residence: medical certificate of suitability for participation in competitive cycling races, also issued by a doctor from their country of residence.
Civil liability insurance policy: organizers and participants are covered by a civil liability insurance policy for accidents or material damage accidentally caused to third parties or to each other signed by the organizers. The insurance coverage of this policy will be valid exclusively on the official route and during the race, for participants regularly registered and checked at the start, finish and at the official control points.
Click here to choose your registration fee
The L'ETAPE PARMA by Tour de France uses the Official Timer EVODATA with technology based on the use of "chips". Each participant must have a valid personal chip or a daily rental chip. Information and conditions on the use of chips are published on the website Failure or incorrect use of the chip will result in non-inclusion in the ranking and non-attribution of the race time.
The ranking will be published on the event website:
Overall female and male rankings: This is a ranking based on the official race time (the official time starting from the gunshot that marks the start of the race, regardless of the effective moment of the start of the race for the participant). The first three women and the first three men crossing the finish line will go on stage for the official awards ceremony.
Yellow jersey for the winner (male and female) who crosses the finish line in first position (absolute competition).
Polka jersey for the best climbers in the women's and men's competition
Green jersey for the fastest sprinter in the women's and men's competition. The time is measured on the following route segment: from km 109 (last GPM) to the final arrival.
White jersey for the best cyclist under 25 years old.
The winners of the different age categories on the long course will be awarded on the ceremonial stage.
Women: A 15-39 years old, B 40-49 years old, C 50+ years old
Men: rookie 15-18 years old, junior 19-29, Senior A 30-34, Senior B 35-39, Veterans A 40-44, Veterans B 45-49, Gentleman A 50-54, Gentleman B 55-59, Super G/A 60-64, Super G/B 65-74, Super G/C 75+
Ranking of the best climbers of the short route (Gourmet): a ranking will be drawn up on the cumulative climbing times of the Rivalta climb and the Barbiano climb.
All athletes will be awarded with the official medal.
Medical assistance
Ambulances and medical vehicles following the race, doctors and qualified paramedical staff.
The health service is provided following the event and at fixed stations indicated along the route.
The P.M.A. (Advanced Medical Station, Postazione Medica Avanzata) will be set up at the Parco Ducale.
In any case, the organizer is not responsible for any intervention and/or decision given by the health service staff.
Mechanical Assistance
Cars and motorbikes following the race and assistance points along the route.
Mechanical service is expected following the event.
Any spare parts are subject to charges, except for the wheels.
If replacements with spare parts are made, the participant's contact details will be reported to the organizer and the participant will have to go (after arrival) at the mechanical assistance point - located at Parco Ducale in Parma - to pay the receipt for the spare parts and/or to return replacement wheels. In case of puncture, the inner tubes will be provided free of charge by the organizer.
In any case, the organizer is not responsible for any intervention and/or decision given by the mechanical service staff.
Showers and toilets
Showers and facilities will be available on Sunday, May 4, from 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
Private Assistance
Any private assistance following the race is prohibited, under penalty of disqualification from the race. However, refuelling is permitted to riders in the feed zones made available by the organisation.
In order to guarantee the safety running of the Event, all participants must arrive at the start equipped with the following mandatory equipment:
- an approved hard helmet, which must be worn for the entire duration of the Event;
- a hydration system (bidon/bottle or water bag).
For the rights and duties of participants, rules of conduct and compliance with the traffic laws, participants are required to read the full Regulations available at the link at the top of the page.
The organization declines all responsibility for accidents or damage to people, animals and things that may occur before, during and after the cycling event. All participants in the event are required to strictly respect and observe the rules of the traffic laws. The implementation Regulations applied by F.C.I. (National cycling amateur section and cyclotouristic section) will be in force for anything not covered in the full Event Regulations.
The Organizing Committee reserves to itself the right to modify these regulations at any time for reasons it deems appropriate for better organization of the event. Any changes to services, places and times will be appropriately communicated to the participants or will be reported on the website Furthermore, the documentation containing the essential information to take part in the event will be delivered to the participants by the organizers together with the race number/bib.